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Annabella Ronca

Program Assistant, Ocean & Climate

Prior to joining the Aspen Institute and jumping into the wild world of shipping decarbonization, Annabella interned on Senator Cardin’s Environment and Public Works Team. She also previously interned in Congressman Sarbanes’ D.C. Office and worked at the Washington Nationals Youth Baseball Academy in SE Washington D.C.

Annabella graduated from The Catholic University of America in May 2022, with a Bachelors in Political Science, and is currently pursuing a MA in Political Science from The Catholic University of America. She is from Silver Spring, MD and is an avid Washington D.C. sports fan! She loves to travel and spend time with her family and friends. Our team is so thankful to have Bella on board to support our growing portfolio of workstreams, particularly around green maritime corridors and shipping decarbonization policy.

Our Team

Alexis Anderson

Program Assistant, Executive Office

Bea Kuijpers

Program Manager, Climate & Environment

Catherine Kent

Finance Manager

Catie Tobin

Senior Program Manager, EPPIC

Dana Lhundup

Program Assistant, Ocean & Climate

Emily Engel

Program Coordinator, Ocean & Climate

Greg Gershuny

Vice President And Executive Director

Ingrid Irigoyen

Senior Director, Ocean and Climate

Jade Rouse

Program Associate, Climate & Environment

Jérôme Krumenacker

Senior Operations Associate

Jillian Sacksner

Intern, Communications

Julia Merjan

Senior Development Associate

Kate Jaffee

Director, Climate & Environment

Kathryn Benz

Senior Policy Manager, Ocean & Climate

Kitty Pollack

Senior Advisor to the Executive Director

Laura Schifter

Senior Fellow, This Is Planet Ed

María Ortiz Pérez

Managing Director

Maya Townsend

Speaker Coordinator, Aspen Ideas: Climate

Melody Salerno

Program Associate, EPPIC

Michellie Hess

Senior Program Associate, Ocean & Climate

Nadia Phyu

Executie Associate

Nikki DeVignes

Associate Director

Selena Elmer

Senior Program Manager, Ocean & Climate

Sophia Powless

Program Coordinator, This Is Planet Ed

Tanzia Redi

Program Associate, Energy & Mitigation Policy

Taylor Goelz

Senior Program Manager, Ocean & Climate

Timothy Mason

Director, Energy & Mitigation

Yvonne Reed

ZEMBA Procurement Lead, Ocean & Climate

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