
UNLOCKING MID-CENTURY DEEP DECARBONIZATION: A Report from the 2020 Winter Energy Forum

June 25, 2020

To stabilize global temperatures at a sustainable level, global greenhouse gas emissions need to reach net zero by 2050. This reality must guide how we support technology development, craft governmental policy, and invest capital. Midcentury deep decarbonization is most achievable with a technology-inclusive climate strategy and will likely require maintaining the zero-carbon resources that are already in operation, accelerating deployment of existing zero-carbon technologies, and boosting innovation for new technologies such as zero-carbon hydrogen and direct air capture of carbon dioxide.

On February 24-26, the 2020 Winter Energy Roundtable convened a broad cross-section of leaders from industry, academia, government, the financial sector, and the non-profit community to dive deep into energy innovation and economy-wide

decarbonization, including systemic decarbonization of the energy system; the energy, food, land, and climate nexus; and innovative solutions for sectors such as transportation and heavy industry.

These discussions focused on issues of technology development and deployment, clean energy policy options, infrastructure investment, the role of energy consumers, wholesale electricity market reform, and the changing role of capital providers and markets. Read the full report here.

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