
Key Takeaways from the Roundtable on the Swift Implementation of New Federal Clean Energy Programs

March 22, 2023

On January 10, 2023, the Aspen Institute Energy & Environment Program convened a roundtable of experts to identify the elements needed to swiftly implement the new clean energy programs in the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA, the bipartisan infrastructure law), and the CHIPS and Science Act. This key takeaways document attempts to capture key themes, ideas, and perspectives raised during the roundtable. Participants were not asked to agree to the wording of this document and, therefore, neither participants, speakers, sponsors, discussants, nor their organizations are responsible for the contents. Not all views captured in this document were unanimous and the contents of the document cannot be attributed to any one individual or group of individuals in attendance. The report does not necessarily represent the views of the Aspen Institute nor the Energy and Environment Program, nor any of their respective staff nor scholars.

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