
Energy and Environment Program 2020 End of Year Report

December 16, 2020

With 2020 almost entirely in our rearview mirror, it can certainly be said that it was a year for the history books. On the first day of any given year it is impossible to predict where we might be on the last, but on the morning of January 1st, 2020 we likely could not have even imagined the year’s unprecedented trajectory.

The global COVID-19 pandemic has created a public health crisis of unimaginable proportions. This immense suffering and human loss has been compounded by economic disruption and skyrocketing unemployment that have left communities in even more dire positions. This year has also seen the latest manifestation of racial injustice in the U.S., as the nation bore witness to the murder of George Floyd in police custody, and waves of socio-political unrest rocked the country. Meanwhile, the climate crisis has continued to intensify as the fall saw the western U.S. struggling to control immense fires and the Gulf Coast repeatedly bracing themselves against tropical storms. Read the full report here.

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