
Climate Leaders Aged 18-30 Invited to Apply for Future Leaders Climate Summit in Miami Beach

October 14, 2021

One hundred selected applicants from across the U.S. will attend the summit as part of Aspen Ideas: Climate in March 2022

October 14, 2021, Washington, DC & Miami Beach, FL – The Future Leaders Initiative at the Aspen Institute is seeking applications from individuals aged 18-30 to attend the second Future Leaders Climate Summit in Miami Beach, Florida, from March 3-7, 2022. The summit, which will take place as part of the recently announced Aspen Ideas: Climate event, will gather a diverse group of 100 young climate leaders to discuss climate policy, communications, advocacy, and individual action. Participants will have the opportunity to network, convene, and co-collaborate with some of the biggest voices in climate and have access to spaces that have historically excluded the voices of young people.During the summit, Future Leaders will work with invited experts and each other to develop ideas and recommendations for climate issues facing their communities today, from mitigating climate change, to adapting to extreme weather impacts, to preparing for a rapidly changing world political unrest, forced migration, and security issues. Future Leaders will develop local action plans and make pledges to go back to their communities and engage with local elected officials, educate their community, and provoke action.

Individuals with a demonstrated interest in climate change and sustainability issues are invited to apply here by November 14, with selections announced by mid-December 2021. Roundtrip airfare to Miami, lodging accommodations, and most meals during the Summit will be provided for the 2022 Future Leaders Climate Summit cohort. Organizers also welcome local applicants from South Florida who can address the impacts of climate change at the host location.

“Climate change is a multigenerational crisis that requires a multigenerational approach for effective solutions,” said Nikki DeVignes, Director of the Future Leaders Initiative at the Aspen Institute. “Our best hope is to immediately amplify the voices of those who are designing these solutions and who will be in position to implement climate policy in the next 20 to 30 years. By redefining what it means to be a leader and giving our young people access to climate conversations, we are giving them the opportunity to build on today’s work for a cleaner and equitable future.”

“This is the moment for us to empower the next generation of climate leaders,” said City of Miami Beach Mayor Dan Gelber.

Attendees will also be invited to attend other parts of Aspen Ideas: Climate, presented by the Aspen Institute and the City of Miami Beach. The inclusive multi-day event will focus on global and local solutions to the climate crisis, bringing together policymakers, scientific experts, business leaders, innovators, artists, young leaders and the public.

Beyond the Future Leaders Summit, the event is expected to include:

  • Panel conversations, one-on-one interviews and breakout discussions on climate solutions, including new policies, technologies, financial instruments, shifting priorities in investment and job creation as well as how we produce energy and food.
  • Field trips to local and historic resilience points of interest.
  • Concert on the beach.
  • Food festival.
  • Jobs fair showcasing career opportunities in the green economy.
  • More to be announced.

Members of the public will have a number of options to experience “Aspen Ideas: Climate,” including multi-day passes, tickets for individual events and freely accessible programming. Details about programming, speakers and access will be shared later in the year. For more information, sign up for updates at

The Future Leaders Climate Initiative was launched by the Aspen Institute’s Energy and Environment Program in 2020, and is aimed at empowering and harnessing the young voices that will shape climate conversations going forward. The first Future Leaders Climate Summit took place virtually due to COVID-19 in August 2020, and the initiative also runs a group to help leaders broaden their professional network called “Future Leaders Climate: NOW!”


The Aspen Institute is a global nonprofit organization committed to realizing a free, just, and equitable society. Founded in 1949, the Institute drives change through dialogue, leadership, and action to help solve the most important challenges facing the United States and the world. Headquartered in Washington, D.C., the Institute has a campus in Aspen, Colorado and an international network of partners. For more information, visit

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